Matthieu Amiguet

Linux: on-the-fly QR code generation

A quick-and-dirty hack to quickly generate QR codes on the fly using the clipboard on Linux.

Bye bye, rt-kernel!

Until recently, I was convinced that it was still necessary to install an rt-patched kernel for making low-latency sound processing on Linux…

Harpejji hand independance

This is the fourth in a series of articles about harpejji technique. The first one was about major scales and the second and third ones were about right hand jazz voicings. This time, let’s talk about hand independence!

Of course, if you’ve been playing the piano before, hand independence is probably not the greatest challenge when picking up the harpejji. However, if you’ve been playing a melodic instrument or if harpejji is your first musical instrument, you’ll probably need to develop this skill (at least it was the case for me!).

Harpejji tabs editor

Harpejjitabs, the new tablature editor for the harpejji, is available online!

Mise à jour: Sondages avec Flask

La mise à jour du support du cours d’introduction à Flask que je donne chaque année à la Haute École Arc Ingénierie est en ligne.

Harpejji Jazz Voicings 2

This is the third in a series of articles about harpejji technique. The first one was about major scales and the second one was about right hand jazz voicings. This one is a direct follow-up to the latter, as it presents a alternate, complementary set of right hand voicings for jazz harmony.

To make the best out of the material here, I strongly suggest you first read and practice the first set of voicings.

Harpejji Jazz Voicings 1

This is the second in a series of articles about harpejji technique. The first one was about major scales and this one is about right hand jazz voicings.

When rehearsing for the Passeador project I explored some of the possibilities of the harpejji in jazz comping. One of the ingredients is right hand voicings. I will not go into a full course about voicings, but one of the very standard way of playing chords in jazz is alternating between chords of the form 3rd-5th-7th-9th and 7th-9th-3rd-5th.

Harpejji major scales

This is the first in a series of articles about harpejji technique. One of the most thrilling aspects of taking up the harpejji is that it is mostly an unmapped territory. There are very few resources (as of early 2020), both printed and online, and nobody is going to tell you how and what you are supposed to play on such an instrument. However, this can also be daunting sometimes, and a little bit of input from others can be very helpful.

Harpejji en vidéo!

Les Chemins de Traverse viennent de publier deux vidéos prises sur le vif lors des répétitions et concerts Paseador avec Carole Battais au piano et au melodion, et moi à l’harpejji. Malgré la qualité moyenne de ces vidéos, voici quand même une occasion pour ceux qui ont raté ces concerts de se faire une idée de ce mélange d’instruments plutôt inhabituel…

Europython'19 talk are online

I just noticed that europython 2019 videos have been released! For thoses interested, here is my talk about using python for live music: