The 'Harpejji Solo' project

#Musique #Harpejji #Musique #Son et vidéo #Tapping

For various reasons this site has been mostly dormant recently, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve been doing nothing!

Among others, after having played mostly accompaniment on the harpejji for years, I decided to explore more what can be done with the instrument in a solo setting. (This exploration has been partly supported by a grant offered by the City of Neuchâtel, many thanks for that!)

I did not document my research on this website, but I did write about it on the website of Les Chemins de Traverse.

Here are two videos that were published there:

If you want more context or discover other resources related to harpejji solo playing, like suggestions for sight-reading or reviews on books about improvisation, head to the Harpejji solo page.